
More Book Reports: Journal & Poster Collection! (Destiny)

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Tuesday, March 24, 2015, 06:12 (3587 days ago) @ Leviathan

Continued from Post 1.

The Poster Collection

The book feels larger than these photos convey...

All the things for the scaling of the things...

The details are not lost in the printing.




The spine:


Here you can see the cardboard at the back that keeps this giant notepad sturdy.


The endpapers feature faction symbols from the game.


See! Giant notepad!



Each poster is numbered and described on the back.


I was very happy to see they included the artists responsible for each piece.


This collection features some lesser-seen concept art...


...as well as more iconic pieces...



...and one I wasn't familiar with at all. Cool!


Detail of the previous image:


A detail from another page (featuring art you see when downloading an update in the game). This photo really captures the accuracy of the printing. All the details can be absorbed into the brain.


Sometimes I forget my friend TDSpiral didn't paint this one...


A less-cropped version of the art used for the cover of the collection. This version has richer colors too.


The last few posters feature the now-classic concepts of the three classes.


While I'm at it, here's a list of each poster inside:

A close-up of Gal-a-horn...


...And the Hive monstrosity that's about to receive one of its rockets in the face.


More details:




Tearing out a poster is painless.


Nothing was creased or torn.



The poster on a whiteboard.

I felt like there was reason I took this photo but I can't remember it now...

The only issue with the book is the first poster. Since it is attached directly to the wraparound of the glue-binding, you've got to peel off the tape very slowly. It leaves some glue residue on the poster, but that be rubbed off easily. You can either matte the poster so that you don't see the blank space underneath the black tape or simply cut off that portion with a paper-cutter. This is a minor, intentional issue.


More faction graphics dot the endpaper at the back.



The back cover.



While the usual posters you see on the endcaps at Wal-Marts or Targets are bigger, they're flimsy and can get bent easily. This poster collection uses thick paper that isn't going to fall over and crease itself. The clarity of the art is top-notch; none of the posters were blurry from enlargement or tampering. A number were cropped from the original dimensions though, which maximizes the use of the space but distorts the artist's composition slightly. While I personally might have preferred a letterbox-like matting of the art, I'm probably in the minority on this.

In Conclusion

Honestly, there's not much to say in this section because both of these products are pretty straightforward. They're well-printed, well-binded, and feature cool art. Ultimately it just comes down to if you need a journal or want some cheap (in price, not quality) posters to stick or frame on your wall.

Thanks for reading! Next time I'll review the new Star Wars movie a few weeks before it opens. Hint, hint.

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