
Every time. (Destiny)

by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Tuesday, April 21, 2015, 17:42 (3345 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I have never not one time had a game with a patch come out that didn't inadvertently change something else.

I think there are two issues:

1. A change works as intended but affects something you didn't anticipate (Mythoclast)
2. Something just breaks (4th Horseman stats randomly changing).

1 I understand. 2 I don't.

I don't really know what you expect?

The people behind this stuff aren't infallible. They are very good, very talented, but mistakes will be made.

The day that coding becomes 100% automated and games literally write themselves is the day you won't have to worry about it, but not for that reason. More likely, you won't have to worry about it because SkyNet will have removed pesky humans from the equation all together, so it can of course play Half-Life 3 in peace.

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