
Every patch (Destiny)

by DiscipleN2k @, Edmond, OK, Tuesday, April 21, 2015, 19:26 (3446 days ago) @ bluerunner

If they don't want us to just sit back and snipe, why not either give the enemies more cover, so it's difficult to just pick everyone off without coming down to their level, or have the Vex start teleporting in from the mouth of the cave you just came through so that you're now sandwiched between two different groups of enemies on the side of the mountain?


You're assuming they intentionally did this. From Deej's tweet it sound like an unintentional bug from other changes that were made.

I guess my post was really directed more at the players who are considering this a cheese spot. If Bungie really didn't want us up there, it doesn't really make sense to me that they would have designed the encounter in such a way to encourage us to stay there. And even if they didn't realize that the level design encouraged this, it could have been fixed much more elegantly by just moving the Hobgoblin spawn up the hill so that they now spawn in behind the player's favorite perch.

That said, I'm also having a really hard time understanding what intentional change from the latest patch could have bled over into this specific encounter to make it look so much like a really poor solution for what shouldn't even be considered a problem. This is coming from someone with just slightly more than zero coding experience, but the only thing I can think of that seems like it could be even remotely related is some mention of reduced enemy spawns for the Valus Ta'aurc encounter. Anyone have any other theories?


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