
Warframe patches never have issues! (Destiny)

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Tuesday, April 21, 2015, 22:37 (3353 days ago) @ Korny

Just kidding. It's literally every single game.

This. I think the most recent game I played that was very frequently patched was ME3's multiplayer. There were balance changes made to MP every week (that's no an exaggeration - it was done every Tuesday, on a schedule). And yep, frequently those changes would introduce new issues. And that was JUST balance changes - adjustments to powers and weapon behavior.

If anyone's reading this and wondering how a console game updated so often, as I understood it the changes were actually being made server-side. The clients get all their data from the servers when a game session is started, or something along those lines.

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