
Warframe patches never have issues! (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Tuesday, April 21, 2015, 22:04 (3446 days ago) @ Cody Miller


Something unintentionally changes. Every time.

I'm asking people here who have more experience with frequently patched games than I do: is this common? Do most games screw something up with every patch?

Just kidding. It's literally every single game. The difference is that PC games have hotfixes (mini-patches) that can be rolled out in hours, and the list of hotfixes for a patch can very well be longer than the patch itself... Consoles have the whole "Certification" issue that keeps bugs and stuff in much longer (in Destiny's case, months).

Just last week, I was watching DE's weekly Warframe stream, and they said that right before they had submitted Update 16 for certification that day, they found a bug introduced with one of the fixes, so they had to roll back that fix, basically keeping a bug in the game in favor of introducing a worse one while they look for a permanent fix to both issues (a hotfix for PC, next update for Console), and so they rolled out a less-than perfect Patch... But unlike other developers, they were nice enough to let us know what issues to expect.

Poop happens all the time, as others here have pointed out. You can only playtest so much before you have to get it out there... Still, it's not like Bungie's making THAT many changes (and heck, I may post U16's changes when it releases on Thursday, to give people an idea of how much Bungie underwhelms with their changes)...

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