
That was the best thing... (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Monday, May 18, 2015, 03:45 (3317 days ago) @ Beorn
edited by Korny, Monday, May 18, 2015, 03:48

Making the keys available in the public spaces incentivizes players to spend time there and adds value and variation to the areas that we've grown accustomed to.

We were having a blast as a six-person group running around, doing Public Events, bounties, and assassinations, followed by the mad race to get multiple dips while trying to avoid wrecking into one another. That to me was far more fun than those areas have ever given us. Sometimes we would get a public event at the same time as an assassination, and we'd have to plan and juggle the events at the same time.

I spent hours and hours farming the different locations, and always had fun, even with Randoms that would show up (we'd wordlessly coordinate, point out chests, then wait together. Haven't seen that since the Loot Cave days).

Heck, we even ran into oddities because of the events overlapping at times (Video of one of those to come soon).

Of course, some people who want all rewards handed to them on a silver platter might only focus on the treasure keys and the ease of obtaining them, but I just saw it as a fun time. Heck, the farming cost me a bunch of Raid weapons and exotics that I had in the postmaster, but I'd say it was definitely worth it just on fun alone.

DLC ain't even out and it's given me money's worth.

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