
That was the best thing... (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, May 18, 2015, 04:10 (3326 days ago) @ Korny
edited by Cody Miller, Monday, May 18, 2015, 04:16

Of course, some people who want all rewards handed to them on a silver platter might only focus on the treasure keys and the ease of obtaining them, but I just saw it as a fun time. Heck, the farming cost me a bunch of Raid weapons and exotics that I had in the postmaster, but I'd say it was definitely worth it just on fun alone.

DLC ain't even out and it's given me money's worth.

That's interesting, because I've already had enough, and I haven't even done day 6. You're not doing anything new… you're just killing the same old dudes in the same old areas. The kill bounties aren't even really that challenging. Once the newness wears off, it's just… more of the same. It's just defeat the extraction crews with a chest at the end.

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