
It's bad form, regardless of where you go on the tubes. (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Friday, May 29, 2015, 20:13 (3559 days ago) @ iconicbanana

So where is that line drawn? Previously around here I talked about some guy named Batman (with some numbers or whatnot on the end of his gamertag) who was laggy as hell to the point he just kinda appeared (like Batman). Should I be banned from posting a factual video of lag? Should I be banned if I just talk about the lag? If yes for cheating why no for something that happens far more often and affects far more players? How about if I post a video of someone being a jerk and standing in front of me while I try to snipe? Should I be banned for that? Etc.

Basically, zero tolerance is dumb and assigning the worst motives to people, even in a debate, is too.

There's a certain lack of agency to just lagging versus intentionally cheating, and I think that's the point here. I've seen you lag, for instance, and I've seen myself lag as well. I don't blame people for lagging; if anything, I find it mildly entertaining; it's nobodies fault, for the most part, and it's something we all have to deal with from time to time because of the realities of online play.

Insinuating that someone is exploiting lag intentionally is a completely different matter. You probably wouldn't mind if I mentioned you had been lagging in a post-game write up here on the forum ("man, raga was lagging like a fiend last night"), but you'd no doubt feel very differently if I accused you of introducing that lag for your own advantage ("I swear raga can lag on demand *nudgenudgewinkwinksaynomore*"). I imagine you'd be especially upset if you simply had some lag, and I accused you of something you didn't do.

It all comes down to how you act when making the post. If you accuse someone of cheating but have no real proof, then sure, you aren't doing the right thing. I don't believe posting a video and saying "look at how this guy beat me in three straight games with nothing but a sniper rifle missing zero shots and only getting headshots (something that really happened to me), could this be cheating?" is the same thing. I think it's kinda outrageous to completely prevent people from talking about negative aspects of player behavior, even the behavior of specific players, as long as it is done in a responsible manner. (I would not approve of telling everyone to ban iconicbanna because he is a lousy no good cheater, for instance)

See the difference? (And of course, a disclaimer, no, you don't lag switch, these are just thought experiments)

No disclamer necessary. I get that you're trying to have an honest debate... :)

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