
Sony vs. Microsoft (Gaming)

by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Wednesday, June 17, 2015, 13:43 (3269 days ago) @ Kermit

A few thoughts:

Backward compatibility is a big deal. I hope this causes Sony to scrap Playstation Now or at least reinvent it.

Microsoft made a major miscalculation pushing full digital, DRM, and non-gaming features at launch, and Sony took great advantage of that. I think the Xbox One has upped their game. I think Sony is now coming across as less generous to gamers.

I really like my PS4 better than my Xbox in some ways, but man, their promotional content and store is lousy. On the Xbox I was able to quickly see all the E3 stuff from the Xbox keynote with minimal fuss last night. I spent 20 minutes trying to see the equivalent on the PS4. The live content viewer kept flaking out. Gave up finally.

Agreed, mostly.

I bought a PS4 solely for Destiny. I wanted to get the "definitive" Destiny experience,a good chunk of friends was going that direction (and Halo was on the decline) so I chose to follow.

3/4 of a year later, I have mixed feelings. At this point, if I would have done Destiny on XB1, I'd be fine. I don't feel the exclusives were anything substantial. But I'm happy I took a step back from Xbox gave the PS4 a spin. I still dislike the controller, but the change of scenery has been wonderful.

Regardless of this, I'm happy for the competition between MS and Sony- it is very good for us.

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