Sony vs. Microsoft (Gaming)

by Avateur @, Wednesday, June 17, 2015, 23:08 (3450 days ago) @ Kermit

A few thoughts:

Backward compatibility is a big deal. I hope this causes Sony to scrap Playstation Now or at least reinvent it.

No opinion on the Sony side of things, but I'm just waiting to see what the full details of backwards compatibility entail. Say they bring Reach over. Will I get to play it on Xbox Live all the same as if I had it running on my 360? Same goes for other games that get the okay from third party publishers.

Microsoft made a major miscalculation pushing full digital, DRM, and non-gaming features at launch, and Sony took great advantage of that. I think the Xbox One has upped their game. I think Sony is now coming across as less generous to gamers.

Hell yeah they did, and the Xbox One has upped its game. At the same time, Microsoft's press conference just didn't do it for me. Hololens looks like it's the real deal and is gonna be something, but I can only imagine the jacked up pricing structure. As far as gaming goes, Microsoft's game announcements didn't do it for me. If I hadn't seen the Rare Replay and the Fallout 4 Xbox One stuff, I would have easily shrugged off Xbox One announcements. Instead, Xbox won my heart (good thing I already have one and am using it).

Then there was Sony's conference. Games, games, and more games. And many of the games they showed were just unbelievable. Sheesh. As far as exclusives go, Microsoft has Halo (which has become a joke), Gears (it's not Epic Games, so we'll see if the new company goes all 343 on the situation), and Forza. Not impressive at this day and age, in my opinion.

I really like my PS4 better than my Xbox in some ways, but man, their promotional content and store is lousy. On the Xbox I was able to quickly see all the E3 stuff from the Xbox keynote with minimal fuss last night. I spent 20 minutes trying to see the equivalent on the PS4. The live content viewer kept flaking out. Gave up finally.

It's a damn shame that the Xbox's UI is absolutely horrible, though. Luckily, they're overhauling it in the near future, and I love what I'm seeing so far!

I'd like to conclude by saying that Sony's conference made me begin to consider dropping money on a PS4 again. Aside from the fact that I have an Xbox One already, Microsoft's conference did not sell me on one.

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