
Mailsack April 26, 2013

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Thursday, May 09, 2013, 10:41 (4225 days ago) @ Stephen Laughlin


Only if you change your name to Osiris. Or, Uncredited Robot #7.

Character name. Not much information, but I'll take what we can get.

I'd go out on a limb to say there's probably some kind of relation to the Osiris faction there (the yellow eye).

I thought that made it pretty clear Osiris isn't a faction, it's a person. I don't think any of the associations between names (of groups or individuals) and logos have been confirmed.
Going out on a limb myself, I'll take a wild guess that Osiris is another AI. The other one we know about is Charlemagne, whose namesake is a historical figure but whose actual life and actions are shrouded in legends. There's a theory that Osiris (from ancient Egyptian mythology), who all of the pharaohs claimed direct lineage from, was based on an actual Egyptian king, but then there's a theory like that for every mythic figure.
Wasn't the eye more of a symbol of Horus anyway?

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