
Discussion thread: private/custom games (Destiny)

by squidnh3, Saturday, July 11, 2015, 20:49 (3523 days ago) @ Schooly D

On balance, has Destiny's lack of private/custom (multiplayer) games helped or hurt it so far?

How it's helped:

Focus remains on Crucible and default gametypes.

Balance issues are allowed to develop more organically (community reverse engineering efforts have been limited and remain inconclusive). The most recent "Thorny" problem is actually more related to the power of its signature perk in Trials.

Map exploits are essentially nonexistent (could just be really good quality control).

How it's hurt:

Less experienced PvP players don't have that option for learning the game.

We can't run 3v3 Elimination gametype DBO tournaments.

We never get to play the maps that Bungie removed from the default playlists for whatever reason.

How I feel:

I've been okay with it so far, just because there's already so much to do and group PvE kinda scratches a similar itch. ToO being so awesome helps, although I wish there was a way we could do a Playstation vs. Xbox Lighthouse grudge match (not even custom games would allow that).

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