
Discussion thread: private/custom games (Destiny)

by Miguel Chavez, Saturday, July 11, 2015, 22:14 (3522 days ago) @ Avateur

This I agree with. I don't doubt that when custom MM games become a reality in Destiny, that we will see a fracturing of the community. Throw in the incessant whining that makes up current fandom, and I can see regular MM populations drop significantly. It will be a sad thing if that happens.

Wait, so do you think that pure custom games will happen (in the sense of a private lobby of sorts), or do you think that Bungie would go full on custom game matchmaking? I didn't think Schooly was implying custom MM searches.

What I saw was 6 of us sitting down in front of giant displays. Someone chose 'Salvage' or 'Control' There were, I believe, some minor tweaks allowed, and then we matched up with the 6 players sitting opposite our row of 6 displays. One group was 'in charge' of the settings, the other one wasn't.

So extrapolating from that - it's possible the MM is get a team of 6 together, line up against another team of 6, and then have at it.

So is that a 'private lobby' ? i dunno. Maybe it's like a hybrid type of thing.

Again, ths is from an event a year ago. Fair to extrapolate from that? Navel-gazing is victim-free. ;-)

- m

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