
Discussion thread: private/custom games (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Saturday, July 11, 2015, 21:58 (3523 days ago) @ Schooly D

Let's say, just as an example, at any given time 25% of the people playing MM right now would rather be playing private/custom games than matchmaking. If you give them the option to do so, they'd exercise it and remove themselves from the MM environment, decreasing the player pool. This would in turn negatively impact the MM experience for the other 75%.

It would not be 25% at any given time. That number is way too high. The real number would be far lower. Further, look at every other game ever made which has private matches that does fine with matchmaking (there are a ton). The impact would be virtually nil on your ability to find a match.

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