
Grimiore Cards (Destiny)

by CyberKN ⌂ @, Oh no, Destiny 2 is bad, Sunday, August 02, 2015, 23:43 (3500 days ago) @ nico

The strongest writing in Destiny for me lies in the Grimoire cards -- but I feel they are a (brilliant) component that the gaming community isn't quite ready for yet. I think that will change in about 5-10 years, and people will look back on Destiny as being forward-thinking in that regard, sort of the way Apple lost tens of millions of dollars introducing the Apple Newton in the 90s, because they were satisfying a need consumers didn't know they had yet.

So here's the thing-

The Grimiore Cards basically fall into two categories- Ones that add detail to the world from an objective, basic informational standpoint (eg. Exotic Weapons, Faction Leaders), or ones that are snippets of conversations or character diaries (eg. Alpha Lupi, Ghost Fragments).

Neither of these are new concepts. Mass Effect has the Codex- An extensive library of knowledge that is updated and added to as the player discovers new things, accessible at any time by pausing the game. And games have been doing piecemeal audio logs for years- ODST's "Sadie's Story" and the Datapads in Reach, for example.

So when I read what you've written above- that people complain about the grimiore cards because they're this "new" concept that they aren't quite ready for yet- it comes off as you trying to brush off Bungie's blunders by making excuses.

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