
Grimiore Cards (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Monday, August 03, 2015, 11:30 (3499 days ago) @ narcogen

Neither of these are new concepts. Mass Effect has the Codex- An extensive library of knowledge that is updated and added to as the player discovers new things, accessible at any time by pausing the game. And games have been doing piecemeal audio logs for years- ODST's "Sadie's Story" and the Datapads in Reach, for example.

Both of which can be accessed in the game, while I'm playing, while I'm thinking "oh, hey, I WOULD like to know more about X."

When I leave the console and go to the computer, I'm dealing with a different set of tasks. I see the Grimoire and say "oh, I'll look at that later." I STILL have unread cards, and I find the long ones extremely frustrating to try and read in the interface Bungie has set up, which is way too in love with the idea of being darling little cards to make itself useful.

This. I still have quite a few unread cards because I just don't think about it when I'm doing things on the computer. And yes, Bungie's Grimoire interface needs to change. Long cards are awful to read.

I would love to be able to access them either in the Tower, or in Orbit, or wherever. I would say in the Start Menu screens, but I'm not sure that works as well, since you can't actually pause the game.

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