
Which PvP maps to you love/hate, and why? (Destiny)

by CyberKN ⌂ @, Oh no, Destiny 2 is bad, Monday, August 03, 2015, 21:54 (3497 days ago)

Destiny's had an interesting path with regards to Crucible maps, and the way they've been shuffled around the playlists.

Unlike the last couple of Bungie games, every time we load into a new game we're completely at the mercy of Lord Shaxx (or RNG) as to what battlefield we fight on. On one hand, this means a select few maps won't dominate your experience, allowing you to see everything Bungie's designers came up with. On the other hand...

Well, let's just say there's a reason Bungie lowered the weighting of Blind Watch.


Dear Cabal: Please invade this space so Shaxx can't hold matches here anymore. xoxo, CyberKN

It's interesting to see how game-types can influence my perception of a map's quality. I actually liked Blind Watch quite a bit at first- the rotating windows on the windwheel thing, the verticality of it... And then Iron Banner rolled around, and it dropped to the bottom of my list. I've been trying to figure out a balanced place to put "B" flag, but there's just no suitable location in the middle of the map without major geometry changes (IMO).

On the opposite end of the spectrum, I have a blast on Twilight Gap no matter what I'm playing on it. It's not perfectly symmetrical, but it's close enough that I don't have a preference which side I get assigned.


I'm a huge fan of the way there's multiple vertical levels players can run around on, the simple straight-line geometry the map employs, and how I always feel like there's at least two viable paths I can take to an objective.

My experience with Burning Shrine was sort of the opposite of Blind Watch, thanks in part to Trials of Osiris. Playing control and spawning by the inside means you spend a lot of time shooting frantically into the blinding sun. On top of that, There's a big pillar beside B flag allows one team cover while capping, but not the other (who also have to shoot towards the sun).


Somebody hang a Blackout Curtain! Or don't- this is actually really pretty to look at!

After playing a bit of clash and Elimination on the map though, I think with a little bit of tweaking, this map could be one of the best. It already has a symmetrical layout, but the control points/team spawns don't use this to their advantage!

I didn't even know this map existed for the longest time. Imagine my surprise when a couple of weeks after Destiny's launch, I find my ship flying towards a brand new world with an awesome new music track playing in the background! Seriously, why isn't this planet featured at all outside this map and the Lighthouse? It's so unique!

I could go on, but I made this topic because I'm way more interested in what other people have to say. Which PvP maps to you love/hate, and why? What changes would you make to them?

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