
Which PvP maps to you love/hate, and why? (Destiny)

by slycrel ⌂, Tuesday, August 04, 2015, 00:22 (3497 days ago) @ red robber

I wish they would put all the maps in the Control playlist. I'd like to have more options without limiting myself to 2 or 3 big maps only.

I wish this too. There's a moon map that I used to play control on occasionally that I never see anymore, that has vehicles and wide open spaces. I really liked that one. (looked it up, first light)

There should be a RNG playlist that picks a random map, set of players, and set of rules. Maybe call it "the spice of life" or something.

Favorite map is probably pantheon. I like shores of time, twilight gap, rusted lands, widow's court, exodus blue, asylum, burning shrine, maybe others. I really dislike the anomaly and blind watch, and not in love with black shield. I used to really like firebase delphi until the meta changed to all shotguns all the time.

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