
Flag placement (Destiny)

by Durandal, Monday, August 03, 2015, 23:43 (3497 days ago) @ red robber

Shores of Time, Rusted Lands, Blind Watch and Firebase Delphi all have the same problem. There is one spawn that has a major advantage. These maps really need a shakeup, and blind watch has been through a few of them with no effect.

I agree that Asylum suffers from the very limited approach paths. You either run a gauntlet to get A and C, or you hold B and one other and have some major team advantages.

Bastian, Last Watch and Skyshock all are nice and wide open, so there tends to be less clumping and more moving in those maps, but it reveals Destiny's flaw in that there are few ways to hold an area. You are always drawn into the close range fire fight.

Comparing to other shooters, I think Destiny would benefit from some larger maps with more routes. Looking at the heat maps they posted the fights almost always concentrate in 2-3 small areas of the map. You can almost draw a line between spawns and see that those points match up to where the players would first see one another.

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