
Which PvP maps to you love/hate, and why? (Destiny)

by BeardFade ⌂, Portland, OR, Tuesday, August 04, 2015, 14:21 (3496 days ago) @ CyberKN

I love Crucible in general. The infinite creativity, the competition, the opportunity to best another human being; It's the best. You know, until lag becomes an issue.

I think all of the maps can be great maps if you can adapt your play style for the map. I generally like sniping, taking people out from a distance, and I've been able to find useful ways to play this way on most maps, but I would say it's least helpful on Theive's Den, Firebase Delphi, and maybe Twilight Gap (totally possible on this map, but you might be more effective getting closer to the enemy).

I definitely prefer maps that are balanced, and symmetrical. I appreciate the triangle-based maps more than the lanes. Pantheon is great when you own B, and horrible when you don't. It's way too difficult to flank on Pantheon without getting your head blown off (and they could have made that outside rim a hair wider, who needs a stinking hole right next to heavy?).

That being said, the imbalanced maps are so much fun when you're winning and so frustrating when you're not. As much fun as it is to watch my K/D go sky high on maps like Shores of Time and Blind Watch, being on the other side of that situation makes me wish they could find a way to balance those maps.

I think some of my favorite maps are Anomaly and Burning Shrine. That being said, there are very few I hate. So far, I have not found a way to play Theive's Den that I like, and Sky Shock is equally a pain, but I never play combined arms. I wish First Light and Bastion were back in the Control rotation as I enjoyed those maps.

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