
This didn't give you chills? (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Wednesday, August 05, 2015, 15:01 (3389 days ago) @ Earendil
edited by MacAddictXIV, Wednesday, August 05, 2015, 15:13

I get chills twice in 60 seconds.

Now you made me start watching random Halo videos.

EDIT: I also forgot how great and also depressing most of the movie promos are. I mean, I know that the whole purpose was to show that we were losing the war against the Covenant but damn, every fight looks like Normandy beach. And the more depressing part is is that it was said that on the ground is where we actually had a chance. In space we were totally !@#$ed.

Anyway, I kinda wish Destiny had my hype videos like some of the Halos did. I mean the only live action one I've seen was just funny (and I loved it) but there could be some more serious stuff. Sure, it's harder to relate to Guardians as oppose to Billions of humans dying in a losing war. But still, Destiny is the aftermath of basically the same thing.

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