
10 answers in 100 questions (Destiny)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Thursday, August 06, 2015, 01:08 (3495 days ago) @ Leviathan

Have you guys seen this new interview with Luke Smith yet? It's pretty awesome. I lol-ed at the Paul McCartney questions.


I dunno... most of the answers you could have gotten from a Magic 8-Ball, and the interviewer went back to the Paul McCartney well a few too many times trying to mine some more Comedy Gold.

Aside from that, I was shocked Smith hadn't played Oni, but then I remembered how old the game was. Then I thought... does that mean he hasn't played Marathon, either?


For those who've wondered whether or not there is a big plan behind Destiny's story at all, Smith was pretty sure he knew what was in the Traveler, and also, somehow, completely unprepared to parry the question about whether or not it was secretly evil. Poor showing, sir.

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