
Not what I meant. (Destiny)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Thursday, August 06, 2015, 01:26 (3495 days ago) @ Xenos

For those who've wondered whether or not there is a big plan behind Destiny's story at all, Smith was pretty sure he knew what was in the Traveler, and also, somehow, completely unprepared to parry the question about whether or not it was secretly evil. Poor showing, sir.

I don't agree with your interpretation. Just because he wasn't instantly ready to answer that question does not mean they don't have it planned out.

You've misread my post to make it mean the exact opposite of what it meant.

Smith's ready answer to the question about whether or not he knew what was in the Traveler indicates to me there IS some kind of a plan, rather than the opposite.

Smith's complete inability to dodge the obvious question about whether or not the Traveler is evil to me ALSO indicates there is a plan, and that Smith was ludicrously unable to deal with that question-- and you can see it on his face. He's either hilariously overacting there on purpose, or got caught out unable to decide whether he should ignore the question, or deny it. A stone-faced "no comment" would have been much, much wiser.

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