
10 answers in 100 questions (Destiny)

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Thursday, August 06, 2015, 01:16 (3495 days ago) @ narcogen

For those who've wondered whether or not there is a big plan behind Destiny's story at all, Smith was pretty sure he knew what was in the Traveler, and also, somehow, completely unprepared to parry the question about whether or not it was secretly evil. Poor showing, sir.

I don't agree with your interpretation. Just because he wasn't instantly ready to answer that question does not mean they don't have it planned out. He's asked question after question, most of which he can give out as facts and data, or answer with a quick and silly answer, and then he's thrown an actual, important to the story, question and he's not sure what the best thing to say is. The pause seems to me more along the lines of "Hmm... not sure what to say, should I say anything? Drop a hint? Make a joke? Ah screw it." Heck, I've been asked stupider questions than that and paused for longer than that, and it wasn't preceded by a few dozen questions before it.

Obviously I don't know if they have it planned out, but that pause doesn't tell us anything one way or the other.

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