
Sorry (DBO)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, August 11, 2015, 14:12 (3410 days ago) @ slycrel

Good for you for taking a break and doing some soul searching.

Destiny is still a MMO. Bungie still needs to balance the social pressure of playing a lot, and having a lot of reasons to play a lot, with making a game that you can pick up because it's enjoyable rather than hitting that RNG gambling fix or OCD collector's need. They won't be perfect, even with all the TTK changes.

I bought and played and enjoyed Diablo 3. I think I played it through on Normal once. Then I got the expansion and played it through once. Then never again.

That game is outrageously pointless and manipulative with its systems, especially on launch when I first got it. Still, only going through that once, and just enjoying the environments and seeing what happened next in the story was actually fun. The story was also bad.

But I didn't rage about how terrible the story is, and I didn't obsess over doing all the high level stuff. I just did it once and called it a day.

Destiny is way better than Diablo 3, so I know I can do it.

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