Sorry (DBO)

by Phoenix_9286 @, Wednesday, August 12, 2015, 21:49 (3409 days ago) @ car15

Destiny makes people feel bad. It frustrates them, teases them, infuriates them, taunts them. Isn't there something inherently wrong with this?

Only if you let it.

It started to frustrate and infuriate me a few weeks back, and then I came to a very simple conclusion.

The game can tease and taunt me all it wants with super awesome loots, but the truth is there's a subsection of that loot I'll never get to play with. It's either locked behind activities I loathe (Crucible), or things tedious and mind numbing (ranking up factions), or up to the fickle RNG gods. As soon as I accepted that there were just going to be things I was never going to be able to have hands on time with, I started enjoying myself again.

Spend time doing what you enjoy doing, not what you hate doing, and accept that doing so means you won't get to have ALL THE THINGS.

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