Sorry (DBO)

by petetheduck, Wednesday, August 12, 2015, 23:44 (3489 days ago) @ Avateur

Destiny makes people feel bad. It frustrates them, teases them, infuriates them, taunts them. Isn't there something inherently wrong with this?

car15 makes people feel bad. He frustrates them, trolls them, infuriates them, taunts them. Isn't there something inherently wrong with this?

I agree with the message of your post, but disagree with the literal meaning--which of course wasn't the point anyway. But I needed a segue:

car15 doesn't like Destiny and doesn't like this community, and everyone is aware of it. That pretty much makes it impossible to effectively troll. We have no reason to care, at all. How can I possibly become irritated by him? How can I value his comments?

Oh no, someone random person said something intended to rile people up. Oooooh noooooo. Save us, mods. Ban the bad man, he's scary.

The fact that he keeps turning up is actually just kind've sad.

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