
I think something is up with your account link... (Destiny)

by slycrel ⌂, Tuesday, August 11, 2015, 17:56 (3490 days ago) @ dogcow
edited by slycrel, Tuesday, August 11, 2015, 18:06

So, I checked my account settings and I have an XBLive and PSN account both shown as "linked". But I didn't have those turned on as public information, so I swapped that. Maybe that will change something, I'm not sure. Either way, my Halo 2 online games are all showing up in my profile, so no idea what else I can do to make sure that's all right. Maybe send them an email or something I guess.

Edit: So apparently you can change your "unique ID" from a number to a character set. I changed mine and it now shows up as "Slycrel"... So looks the same pretty much on the search page.

Pretty sure there's nothing I can do to get it now anyhow, but was a fun trip down memory lane. =)

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