
Dreg's Promise (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Monday, August 17, 2015, 03:39 (3484 days ago)

A mini review.

The concept sounded good. A more powerful, pulsing Sidearm. The reality? Good, with some caveats. Dreg's Promise gets off to a slow start. Certainly it starts with fairly little reserve ammo. I often felt even if I was doing well with it I could only really engage maybe two people before it was out of ammo. Oh, and, I was not doing well with it! At all!

Then, a couple of things happened:

1. I unlocked Field Scout. This brings the magazine up to 21 shots up from 18 and gave a good increase on the reserve ammo too. I'm not sure how exactly the numbers work out, but it feels like I can be more free with the gun and not run out of ammo.
2. I unlocked the final Lightening Rounds perk. It's really hard to back this up, but I swear the Enhanced Target Acquisition of the perk really did make a dramatic difference in my success with the gun.

Now, I'm liking Dreg's Promise a lot more than the Vestian Dynasty. It still has its downsides. I feel its a bit more slow to pull out than the Vestian Dynasty. It is kinda crap for hitting anything moving side to side. And that Eliksni made hinge that allows the gun to pop open so you can quickly eject and replace the shock core? You just know its gonna fail sooner rather than later! But, it is a good counter to a charging enemy and you always have enough ammo to at least try and defend yourself with each time you spawn in the Crucible.

Final Rating: 8.5 of 10. - Fun to use and look at, but it ain't no Invective.

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