
They fill a niche. (Destiny)

by red robber @, Crawfish Country, Tuesday, August 18, 2015, 23:36 (3482 days ago) @ iconicbanana


Specifically, I think, for scout rifles. When I use a Scout rifle, in general, I sacrifice a lot in the mid-to-short range game. A fusion rifle leaves my short game exposed to shotguns without a counter, since scouts only really excel at long range; but using a shotty leaves me exposed to fusion rifles, which the scout can't out-aim or kill fast enough against at mid-range. The vestian is a middle ground; it can't necessarily beat either FR's or shotty's at their ideal range, but it can certainly come close to both. The subreddit is a big fan of the MIDA-Vestian combo, and I can see why: in terms of the variety of ranges, they cover nearly all lengths of engagement.

I agree with you Banana. I'm a big fan of hard hitting pulse rifles, but they suck up close. If you don't land those headshots, you are done. Having a shotty as a backup leaves you vulnerable to HC's, Fusion Rifles and fast firing pulses and scouts. You also have to battle a shotty with a shotty if you are getting rushed. This means your shottie needs to out range the enemies and you need to get your timing right. Too early or too late and you are done. Also I'm a titan so the shotty to melee attack doesn't work either. I'm investigating using the sidearm, since I mostly use my special weapon as a defense for up close encounters. I like that I can begin firing before my target gets too close and that I always spawn with ammo.

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