
Talk about disjointed (Destiny)

by Beorn @, <End of Failed Timeline>, Monday, August 31, 2015, 19:41 (3314 days ago) @ JDQuackers

I already tweeted about it, but I did not like that trailer. The visuals were fun l and I liked finding cool things in there, but the music completely wrecked it for me:

Wow, I do *not* like the music in The Taken King Launch Trailer. Seems completely out of place and inappropriate.

It brings too much levity to what’s supposed to be impending doom. I just don’t feel like there’s any danger from Oryx with that trailer.

Like breitzen said in a Twitter reply, this feels more like an Activision trailer than a Bungie-produced one. Mixing our "real" universe with the game universe just feels weird and inappropriate.

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