
I think this is where they messed up. (Destiny)

by DiscipleN2k @, Edmond, OK, Tuesday, September 01, 2015, 14:52 (3211 days ago) @ Earendil

This feels like one OK story trailer and one fun gameplay trailer that somehow got smashed together. Jumping back and forth between the brooding narration of one and the rocking gameplay of the other was almost painful to sit through.

This is how the trailer feels:

Something dark is coming, Guardian.

Yeeaah! Killin' all the things!!!

You've drawn a terrible evil down upon our solar system.

Gunfire! Explosions!! SUPERS!!! YEEEAAAAHHH!!!!

No, seriously. This is probably the most terrifying thing our universe has ever seen.

Gonna rock out with my Glock out! Efff YEAAHHH!

Ooh! Check out Fillion being his awesome Fillion self!

It's all up to you now, Guardian.
God help us all.

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