
I think you've hit the nail on the head. (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Monday, August 31, 2015, 20:05 (3221 days ago) @ DreadPirateWes

Love Zeppelin. This choice didn't work for me. I think it was the interrupting of the song with the bomb crescendos that ruined it.

When Oryx slammed his sword down & the music stopped, that was jarring. I wish they had just let that next chord play out, it's a great bit of that song. In fact, each time they halted the song they should have just let the next guitar chord play & fade out to crossover to the next part of the song (IMHO, I don't edit video).

at 0:24, when Oryx slams his sword down, they cut off the resolving chord, leaving you hanging & uncomfortable.
at 0:41, when the warlock does his lightning thing and Oryx appears again, they cut off the 3rd chord, not letting it resolve again.
finally at 0:58, they cut it off for Cayde's line "Send in the cavalry" wasn't quite as bad, but still... could have been less jarring.

I suspect the removeal of ... "musical cartharsis/resolution of the chord progression" (I don't know the correct music theory term) when Oryx appears was done intentionally. I don't think it improved it, but I can see why they'd do it. I don't know what's up w/ the Cayde pause, other than maybe they wanted to highlight his line which I don't think was necessary.

It seemed to me the theme was Guardians rocking the universe, which worked for me, I didn't like how they screwed with the song. I still love the trailer though, flaws and all.

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