
+ 1 (DBO)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, October 01, 2015, 12:42 (3124 days ago) @ Doooskey

Basically assign one person right, one person left, and one back. Each prioritizes the black spawn spheres, and then adds, and once the adds are cleared, you do as much damage as you can on the boss. I found this strategy EASY. Psions can be tough, as can yellow bar taken, but with each person in their own area, the boss' blind bubble is way less annoying, also it is pretty easy to manage adds if you focus them from the start. This took us one try, and we basically 2 manned it as one person kept dying. The black spawn spheres will come back, so you want to always prioritize those... I think after the first 3, only 2 spawn each time. I also think they spawn with the Boss health (or it could be the timer).

EDIT: Also use supers on add's when things get hairy... We had a stormcaller, sunbreaker, and nightstalker. Seemed to really help when one of us popped a super on adds.

This is almost exactly what we did last night. Only slight difference is we all rotated around a bit, returning to the entranceway for cover as needed. I posted a video in a thread above.

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