
Maybe I'm crazy... (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, October 08, 2015, 19:15 (3430 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

I was okay with that balance when GG was the only ranged super, but now it is outclassed in every way by Sunbreakers, which feels quite unfair.

Every way? When talking about firing the actual projectile, apart from the splash of the hammer and the amount of projectiles, I'm pretty sure GG is better in every way actually.

Golden Gun:
1. Does more damage

False. For PvP purposes, hammers kill everything GG shots kill in the same number of direct hits, plus hammers get a burn DoT plus there are 7 hammers to throw compared to 3 GG shots. Hammers dish out well over twice the damage that GG is capable of.

2. Faster projectile


3. comes out of the gun instantly when you pull the trigger (SB's have a huge wind up to throw the hammer after a trigger pull)

True, but the caveat here is the hammer is basically spammable while GG shots are extremely limited.

4. fires in a straight line

This is neither an advantage nor a disadvantage, as the hammer can be thrown over cover. There are pros and cons to both cases.

5. longer range

False. You have to spec into longer range. Without the "over the horizon" perk, your GG can be dead on target and deal zero damage because of limited range.

6. faster firing (I'm not sure of this, but I'm think it's true)

Another True, but with caveat - you only have 3 GG shots, so you run out of shots really, really quickly. Also, because hammer shots travel through the air more slowly than GG shots, the moving hammer of doom provides very effective cover while the sunbreaker winds up for hammer number 2. Not so for GG shots.

You'll also notice that a lot of these are negated when you are in closer range. Which IMO is how it should be.

I'd be find with hammer being superior in close quarters, but it's superior at long ranges as well. 7 shots with damage resistance vs. 3 shots with no resistance.

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