It was 9.7. (Destiny)

by electricpirate @, Monday, November 23, 2015, 20:43 (3383 days ago) @ Ragashingo

So, +9.7-9=+0.7...

If they weren't powerful enough before how does dialing them back to almost exactly what they were make sense? Unless my vague feeling is correct and other guns like Assault Rifles and Shotgun getting nerfed since then has shifted the whole sandbox's time to kill a bit higher?

Time to Kill is def up across cross the entire sandbox since 2.0, I think Wisnewski mentoined that on a Crucible radio podcast.

Post thorn/tlw/shotgun dynamics it's probably up about 25%.

In that context then the nerf fits in pretty well, and it will probably keep pulse average TTKs in line. The effect of the range nerf is perhaps more important. If that gets pulled back too far then hitting those bursts is going to be rough, and even though the damage drop is fairly small, there's going to be a lot more 4-5 burst fights.

If hand cannons end up very reliable, they may being beastly again. Three shot hand cannons have low TTks.

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