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Bungie (Last-) Weekly Update

Yeah, so, I'm not even sure we can consider this a news site; we don't get to the front page often enough. There've been a few fun things over the past few days, though, so let's clear them out. First up: last week, on Thursday, as usual, Bungie posted the Weekly Update. (And, as usual, we localized it at that point. We just forgot to tell you about it.) It's a decent read; it contains a bunch of tidbits you should know. There's information about the Eververse Trading Company (launching tomorrow, actually), there's info about last week's drop of the Sleeper Simulant (if you didn't snag one, the mission - and its prerequisites - will be available periodically going forward), there's info about an upcoming Shotgun nerf. There's a bunch of other stuff, too, but one more thing worth noting specifically - buried in the PVP change log is a link to a really interesting podcast from the Crucible Radio folks - Bungie Senior Designer Jon Weisnewski was a guest, and the discussion was fascinating for folks looking for insight into how Bungie makes some of the decisions they make. Really worth your time. Go read the whole thing - this only touched on the high points!

TAGS: bwu
Claude Errera | Oct 12, 2015 03:20 pm | link