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A BWU for the new year

After a month-long hiatus, the Bungie Weekly Update is back - and this update is full of upcoming goodies. News about Crimson Days (the Valentines-themed takeover of the Tower arriving on February 9), Crimson Doubles (a new playlist available in February), and the next iteration of the Iron Banner (focused on Rift, this time around) are all on the near horizon. There's also a Q&A with Lars Bakken about Crucible matching, bits from the Destiny Player Support Team, and some great Movies of the Week entries. Oh, and a cute puppy. Go explore! It's local, too, of course. And there's discussion on our forum! (Thanks, CyberKN.)

TAGS: bwu
Claude Errera | Jan 21, 2016 02:52 pm | link