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This Week At Bungie - 06/08/2017

It's that time again - Bungie posted some info about their current doings, and the upcoming bits that might be of interest to Destiny fans. Did you get PAX tickets? (They're gone already, so if your answer was 'not yet', it's really 'no' - sorry.) Bungie will be taking over the Paramount Theater all weekend, and you'll be able to join in the fun if you've got a ticket! More immediately, they'll be at E3 this weekend, and you'll be able to play if you're there. There are also standard features: the Destiny Support team has info about missing stats and mis-scored Trials matches, the next Bungie Bounty will be on the PS4, and the movies of the week are entertaining. Go read! (As always, it's in our Weekly Update Archive, if you'd rather read it there.)

TAGS: bwu, twab
Claude Errera | Jun 8, 2017 01:30 pm | link