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This Week At Bungie - 07/27/2017

This week, Bungie has some info for you, and some warnings. In their weekly info dump, you'll find hardware specs if you're interested in trying out the PC Beta in late August, long with details about the new Exotic weapon for Destiny 2 that was revealed this week. They warn you that this is the last week that Trials of Osiris stats will count towards the Age of Triumph book, and that next week is the last Iron Banner event in Destiny 1. (I guess that means that there won't be any D2 IB after D2 launches... sadness.) There's also quite a bit of info about Destiny 2 Clans, and what you'll need to do if you run a Destiny 1 Clan or Group. And of course, there's the standard stuff - lots of info from the Support team, details about the next Bungie Bounty, and a passel of fan-created videos. Go check it all out! (Our local copy is up, of course.)

TAGS: bwu, twab
Claude Errera | Jul 27, 2017 03:11 pm | link