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Some Other Week at Bungie - 09/07/17

Well, it's almost time for the NEXT weekly update from Bungie, so don't you think it might be time to mention LAST week's? In our defense, we've been playing. A lot. So: what did you miss? Let's see... there was a roadmap for the special activities planned for Month 1 of Destiny 2 (some interesting stuff in there!), details about the Destiny 2 soundtrack, and an explanation, from Luke Smith, about why they chose to go the route they did with shaders this time around, along with the standard Support notes and fan-created videos. All in all, a worthwhile update - we're sorry we haven't mentioned it before now! (If it makes you feel any better, it's been in our Weekly Update Archive since last Thursday.)

TAGS: bwu, twab
Claude Errera | Sep 12, 2017 11:37 am | link