The Bungie folks are gone for Thanksgiving, but we still get an update before they go! The whole thing starts with an archived recording of the "New Ways To Play" stream from Tuesday, showcasing some of the new features available in the upcoming Curse of Osiris. And for those running into erroneous error messages on PC, while you're swallowing your turkey, Destiny Player Support is looking for a way to swallow your Buffalo, with some helpful troubleshooting steps to get you back in the game (have you tried configuring your UPnP?). They have also included a list of other known issues, so stand by for some fixes for those!
The short-but-sweet update is wrapped up with Montage-focused MotWs, and a reminder of next Wednesday's stream, which will show off the new loot that you can acquire once the expansion drops on December 5th. A local copy will be available soon (some of us are also gone for the holiday!), and thanks go to CougRon for letting us know about the early update!