This Week At Bungie - 04/12/2018

Yeah, we're late. Again. Blame Korny. (Always blame Korny. It's easier that way.) Anyway...
this one's worth reading. If you missed the Destiny 2 Roadmap update earlier this week, it's summarized here. Why should you read it? Well, it announces
Warmind, the next expansion, due May 8. (Bungie will be providing more details starting April 24.) It also discusses some season 3 gameplay changes (PvE will be more challenging, in some instances), the Men in Kilts fundraiser (some cool stuff available for folks helping out on this one!), the Gauntlet Tabletop fundraiser (also with the cool stuff!), next week's 6v6 Iron Banner (YAY), and the standard stuff (Destiny Player Support, fan vids). Check it all out! It's
in our Archive, if you'd rather read it there.
Claude Errera | Apr 13, 2018 05:50 pm |