Going under (and through)

Once again, Bungie posted
an update on their doings on Thursday, and once again, though
it made it into our Weekly Update Archive in a timely fashion, it did NOT make it here, to the front page. Doesn't mean you shouldn't read it, though. It's full of goodies. We're introduced to the Shattered Throne, along with a new Crucible mode, Breakthrough. We're given encouraging news about Masterwork Cores and Exotic drop rates. We're treated to a postmortem of the first Season 4 Iron Banner tournament. We're shown a gorgeous gallery of art, from High Moon artists that worked on Forsaken. And there's a chance that your Destiny artwork can be immortalized in Bungie's Holiday cards. Go read, go watch! (While you're at it, we forgot to mention
last week's, too - though, again,
it was up in our Weekly Update Archive the same day it was released on B.net. It has more info about Breakthrough, including screenshots of new maps. It's got time-sensitive info - now expired - about Gambit, and EGX, a gathering that took place in Birmingham, UK last week. And it's got info about the team(s) that beat the Last Wish raid first. Sorry!)
Claude Errera | Oct 1, 2018 10:14 am |