Patch Note Archive
18 September 2017
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Destiny 2 Hotfix - 9/18/17 The one about post launch fixes.


  • Fixed an issue that caused players to not receive Man O' War Linear Fusion Rifle Quest Reward when they have a full weapon inventory
    • Players can obtain their missing Man O' War from Asher Mir on IO


  • Fixed an issue where the Prism modifier did not persistently display the currently featured element 
    • Prism will now display a brief screen effect when the element changes to increase visibility
    • This will also resolve an issue impacting the Momentum modifier


  • Fixed an issue where a Raid object was receiving an unintended amount of damage from Wardcliff Coil
  • Fixed an issue where completing a Meditation before selecting it from Ikora would hide that Meditation and prevent players from completing it receiving appropriate rewards.
  • Fixed a rare memory leak that would result in a Matchmaking crash