
What does Destiny 2 really mean anyway? (Destiny)

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Saturday, February 13, 2016, 06:04 (3003 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I am going to assume this is because of PS exclusive stuff and not being able to work out how to deal with that.

This seems extremely unlikely. As an example, I know people who bought the collector's edition on one generation of console, but also played on the other console generation in the same family, and only had access to the collector's "exclusive" content on one of those consoles. When they played on the console that had the exclusives and equipped one of those items, then went and logged in on the other console, the game just unequipped the item, and it went back into their inventory (but either wasn't usable, or wasn't visible at all, I don't remember which). The game then equipped some default item in that slot.

The point being, there are mechanisms to handle that kind of thing. If your guardian has an item equipped that isn't available on the system you log in from, Destiny just puts something else in its place. Easy. I don't see any reason this couldn't be done in the cross-platform scenario. The game doesn't need to know or care WHY the item's not available (whether it's a platform exclusive or just because of a Collector's Edition code), it just needs to know that it is so.

No, I think it's far more likely that the platform holders are just being dicks, because that's what they do.

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