
Aren't they 'events' anyway? (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, December 12, 2014, 15:43 (3454 days ago) @ Korny

ROC is a premium playlist for DLC owners, and why shouldn't Bungie cater to the people who are showing interest in the game by buying content?

Bungie doesn't have to offer anything new to people who don't by the DLC, they simply have to not take anything away.

1. If you don't have the DLC, the daily story and weekly strikes should change to a non-dlc version if a DLC mission is up in the rotation.
2. The level 24 Vanguard strike which used to give engrams should continue to if you don't have the DLC
3. Heroic, Nightfall, and daily should still max out at level 28 if you don't have the DLC.

If those three things were done, which are very very simple things, this conversation would not be taking place. Of course if you buy the DLC you should get tons of new stuff, but if you don't you should lose nothing you had.

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