
Foolproof Crota Boss Guide (Spoilers) (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Sunday, December 21, 2014, 01:21 (3433 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

We used almost the same strategy you described (we went right side during the Ogres rather than middle).

Go middle for Ogres. Seriously. It is 100% foolproof..

* Rotate as quickly as possible.

We need to make sure we rotate to the right side as soon as we've taken down Crota's shield for the final attack before the Ogres. The few times we rotated quickly and efficiently, we were in position early enough to focus on thinning the crowds of Thrawls before the Ogres arrived. This let us turn all attention on the Ogres as soon as they arrived, and take them down quickly. More often then not, we were so late with our rotation that the thrawls were just starting to reach us the same time that the Ogres arrived. There were several rounds where I wasn't able to get a single shot off at the Ogres because I was desperately fighting to keep the thrawls away from the rest of the group.

I've completed this fight several times, and you are making it harder for yourself. Stay left all the time, except for the ogres, in which you go bottom middle. You have plenty of time, so you are never racing. It's like this:

Left side. Attack Crota while he's in the middle. Crota moves right. Attack him when he moves middle again. Then go to bottom mid. Take out ogres. Crota will be on left. When he moves middle, go to left and repeat.

I've seen the videos of you guys doing it, and it looks way harder than this. This way, you are never racing, and have plenty of time to get where you need to go. Check out the video I linked of my first kill and you'll see there is no time pressure at all.

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