
Time to Kill in PvP and new Weapons in Expansions (Destiny)

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Sunday, May 03, 2015, 15:09 (3284 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Someone in an earlier thread suggested 3-5 second TTK, and I have to agree. You need time to react to being shot, find cover, and return fire. Right now I feel like "how did I die? Oh, okay, so there's a guy back there now. Great."

That's just bonkers, If I have to shoot a guy that much, I might have to reload to finish him off. Halo had such a slow TTK in comparison and I realize how much better it is to get the jump on a guy and because you positioned better, you will most likely win the battle.

My issue with this idea is that your placement relative to the enemy in Destiny (or most other competitive FPS) is rarely under your control. More often than not, if an enemy gets the drop on me its because they spawned behind me, or I spawned in front of them. How is that fun or fair?

I actually think Destiny's spawn mechanics are pretty solid. It's almost impossible to get spawns perfect in an FPS, but spawn camping hasn't really been something I've found to be problematic in Destiny's PvP (we'll see how that spawn locking fix works).

I think Destiny does an excellent job of allowing strategic play to stand up to skill play. If you use grenades and radar tactically, you can compete with enemies who shoot straighter than you. I've never been a particularly excellent skill player in any FPS; I was especially poor at Halo 2 BR play (probably the Halo I played the most PvP in). H2 really demanded skill play; if you missed shots in that, you lost 1v1's. I've missed my fair share of shots in Destiny (that trend hasn't changed), but damn if I can't seem to outplay a fair number of my opponents through strategic play.

Knowing what loadout to role on what map, what grenades to use, how to play the radar, when to be aggressive and when to play defensive: these are all ways to counter the short TTK on Destiny's best weapons in a skill player's hands.

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