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Sittin' On a Space Couch, Chatting About Destiny

starside-lounge_episode-zero.jpgBlack is white, square is round, the world is upside down, and DBO is proud to present our pilot episode of The Starside Lounge, a handcrafted podcast for the discerning DBO community! If your ears are up to the task, you can download the MP3 from here (right now it's manual, but we'll be setting up a podcast feed with our next episode). 

For a little over an hour, we discuss Bungie's E3 gameplay reveal, Destiny platforms, character classes and customization, micro-transactions, The Law of the Jungle, and more. Check it out, we hope you enjoy it!

Now with more YouTube!

Beorn | Jun 9, 2013 02:23 pm | link

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